Childhood Food Insecurity / 10% of US Population Now on Food Stamps

Food Stamps

A record 32.2 million Americans are receiving food stamp assistance. As the economy grows bleak, 10 percent of the U.S. population fall below the threshold.

Food Insecurity

The states with the highest rates of food insecure children under 5 years of age. Food Insecure: unable to consistently access adequate amounts of nutritious food that is necessary for a healthy life. (As of 2007, PRIOR to the current downturn.)

Louisiana       24.2%
North Carolina       24.1%
Ohio       23.8%
Kentucky       23.3%
Texas       23.3%
New Mexico       23.3%
Kansas       20.9%
South Carolina       20.7%
Tennessee       20.4%
Idaho       20.2%
Arkansas       20.0%
West Virginia       19.8%
Missouri       19.8%

“The first three years of life are the most critical period of brain growth and development. Child hunger causes physical and mental impairment that may never be reversed.”


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